Davey Dance Blog

This just might be the best use I’ve seen yet of a video blog.  Unfortunately, you have to watch these online (not a podcast for downloading automatically from the RSS).  Worth it though.  This is the latest episode.

“Davey Dance-BLOG. A project started while traveling Europe during Spring 2007. Armed only with an ipod and a Canon PowerShot, Davey picks a location and a pop song. Then Davey records an improvised dance.”

Davey Dance Blog -47- DUBLIN – Talking Heads “Houses in Motion” from Pheasant Plucker on Vimeo.

Dance on.

From the “Those Crazy Parrots” File

Snowball, a cockatoo, dances better than any bird I’ve seen.  This isn’t your standard head bobbing, either.  Check it out.

Funniest Dancing Bird Ever!!!Funny video clips are a click away

I think this may be the original blog post.

I’m interested because of my own bird, Cosmo, who is a wild and crazy guy in his own way.  Cosmo is a caique, a species well known for its antics and athleticism.  Here is an old workout video from Cosmo to go along with the bird theme.